Daftar MarketGlory Sekarang

Panduan Awal MarketGlory

Jika belum mendaftar  Klick Ini

Hari Pertama
pertama kali yang anda lakukan ada fight dulu 10 kali untuk mendapatkan uang idr fight attack, ini berlangsung sepuluh menit

                                                                         Cara Fight :

sewaktu fight dapet uang jangan lupa beli koran/articel karena semakin besar energy u semakin besar uang yang kamu dapet
1 koran akan mendapat energi 0.3 point energy 

                                                                    Cara beli koran :

setelah fight 10 kali saatnya work 
work berdasarkan dari productivity jadi semakin besar productivity mu semakin besar jumlah uang yang kamu dapet sewaktu kerja dan jangan lupa untuk bekerja tiap hari karena setiap 3 hari work akan mendapat bonus

Hari kedua 
di hari kedua agan khan punya sisa uang dari kemarin uangnya buat beli koran dulu biar dapet uang lebih banyak sewaktu fight trus fight 10 kali terus work

Hari ketiga 
di hari ketiga anda pasti sudah punya uang agak lebih saatnya anda untuk beli susu yang bisa di beli di local market

                                                                       Cara beli susu :

setelah beli susu beli koran baru fight terus terakhir work

Hari berikutnya 
lakukan point2x diatas terus menerus, apabila uang untuk beli 10 koran masih tersisa usahakan membeli food, di local market, bisa memilih cuisine kualitas bintang tiga, dan akan mendapat energi 5 point, usahakan sesuaikan jam makan dengan fight dan work, ingat makanan dibeli sebelum jam makan, jam makan bisa dipilih antara jam 07.15, 13.15, 19.15, 01.15. Ingat kalau energi semakin banyak, maka bonus dan gaji juga akan semakin besar. Contoh, kalau energy 5 dipakai fight, selama 10 kali maka akan mendapatkan kurang lebih 5 IDR belum dipotong pajak, tetapi itu sudah lumyan, dengan 5 atau 6 hari bermain, dimungkinkan bisa terkumpul 2 gold atau 20 IDR, bahkan lebih.

Setelah duit anda terkumpul 2 gold saatnya anda buka pabrik sendiri


energy didapat dari
1 for lower quality
3 for normal quality
5 for high quality

The food is consumed four times a day, at: 3.15, 9.15, 15.15 and 21.15 server time (+2 GMT). The food can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the food, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/Inventory.

1 per day for low quality
3 per day for normal quality
5 per day for high-quality.

Note that clothes last for 10 days. The clothes can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the clothes, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

1 for lower quality coffee
3 for normal quality coffee
5 for high quality coffee

The coffee can be consumed whenever you wish. The coffee can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the coffee, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

1 for lower quality Milk
3 for normal quality Milk
5 for high quality Milk

The Milk can be consumed once a day and it offers the energy points when you buy it. The Milk can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold).

7 house
20 Villa
35 Palace

Energy Berkurang setiap 1 jam 5% dari total energy


Experience bertambah dari kerja tiap hari
tiap kerja dapet 0.70 exp
tiap 1 hari berkurang exp nya :
0.2 points if you have between 1 and 10 experience points,
0.4 points if you have between 10 and 100 experience points,
1.0 points if you have between 100 and 500 experience points,
1.5 points if you have between 500 and 1000 experience points



knowlage didapt dari beli buku
Low quality Book = +1 Knowledge,
Normal quality Book = +3 Knowledge,
High quality Book = +5 Knowledge.

Knowlage berkurng tiap hari
0.2 points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,
0.4 points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,
0.6 points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.


tips ini dari Gurielamp
Update Itungan untuk ikutan ke arena saat ini 11 May 2013 :

Arena direset setiap jam server 00:00 atau jam 04:00 WIB
kapan arena selesai yah jam 00:00 cuman kalo kesiangan orangnya yg sisa sakti2x

Syarat ikutan arena adalah
1. harus punya Energy minimal 5 points
2. harus punya Min 1 attack dan 1 defense weapon

HQ (bintang 3) Milk : 1.76 IDR (+5energy) *lokal market
attack weapon : 1.65 IDR (low quality grenade) *lokal market
defense weapon : 3.40 IDR (low quality glasses) *lokal market
= 6.81 IDR (ini modal awal buat arena)
Rewards :

*untuk dapetin rewards kita harus punya ini at the end of the day (ini sebelum jam 00.00) *server time :
1. Energy minimal 5 points
2. punya min 1 attack dan 1 defense weapon

point untuknaik lv
ke novice satu butuh 5 point
ke novice 2 butuh 18 point
ke novice 3 butuh 48 point

arahin mouse nya ke rank ntar ada penjelasannya

Novice lvl 2= 0.24 EUR
kira2 bersihnya 0.18 EUR
= 0.72 Gold
= 7.2 IDR

Novice lvl 3= 0.36 EUR
kira2 bersihnya 0.27 EUR
= 1.08 Gold
= 10.8 IDR

Novice lvl 4= 0.60 EUR
kira2 bersihnya = 0.42 EUR
= 1.68 Gold
= 16.8 IDR

*note :
Disini keuntungan kita kalo cuma di lvl 2 Novice :
Biasanya 1x referal fight :
1 energy : 0.1 IDR
5 energy : 0.48 IDR (kalo sampe 10 x yg terakhir 0.397 IDR)

Oke gini, kita ambil berishnya tanpa dipotong pajak di kedua duanya:

Dengan :

1 energy, 10x referral fightsnya dapet : 1 IDR/day
5 energy, 10x referral fightsnya dapet : 4.4 IDR/day